Background: Anaemia is common disorder of the blood and its clinical feature have similarity with Panduroga. Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) is the most common type of anaemia throughout the world. Phalatrikadi Kwatha, is being utilized for the management of Panduroga from ancient time.
Objectives: Ghanavati, is a solid form of Phalatrikadi Kwatha, which has been administered to combat the disease and to find out its efficacy in the management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia (Panduroga).
Materials and Methods: The present study was randomized standard control clinical trial. The trial drug, Phalatrikadi Kwatha Ghanavati, was administered to the 35 patients and a modern drug named Fersolate-CM was used to the 22 patients as standard control for the two months therapy. The both sexes and age group between 16 to 70 years having the features of Panduroga and those which are also found in iron deficiency anaemia, were selected for clinical trial.
Results: This trial drug provided significant effect on the clinical features viz., Shrama (fatigue), Shwasa (dyspnea on exertion), Daurbalya (weakness), Pandu Varna (pallor/ yellowish-whitish), Hridspandana (palpitation), Hatanala (diminished digestive capacity), Bhrama (giddiness), Anna Aruchi (anorexia), Arohana Ayasa (exhaustion during climbing), Shiroruja (headache) and Shotha (edema) and hemoglobin gram percentage was significantly increased.
Conclusion: Phalatrikadi Kwatha Ghanavati showed significant result specially on clinical features and with hemoglobin gram percentage improvement.
Key words: Fersolate-CM, Iron deficiency anaemia, Panduroga, Phalatrikadi Kwatha Ghanavati.