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Trends in screening medical and environmental services in the TES-therapy system



Screening examination is sometimes hampered by insufficient readiness of the population for it, often this is due to the fact that individuals incorrectly assess their state of health and are not ready to change their lifestyle to prevent the disease, as well as to undergo adequate treatment when the disease has already developed. Particular difficulties arise when repeated examinations are required. The disadvantage of screening so far has been that it has usually been aimed at identifying not a group of diseases, but any one of them. The development of an integral approach, i.e., the identification of the main non-communicable diseases, will significantly eliminate this drawback.
When conducting screening, it is necessary to take into account its economic feasibility. In particular, a sharp decrease in the incidence may lead to the termination or less frequent screening examination, such an example is the detection of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Screening in medical genetics is one of the methods for early detection of genetically determined diseases and individual syndromes (stunting, albuminuria, bacteriuria, high blood pressure, etc.). The most effective was the identification of hereditary metabolic defects. With the timely identification and treatment of such patients, it is possible to prevent the development of diseases that usually lead to early disability and even death. Screening examination is widely used in pediatrics, since the detection of various diseases in children and their early treatment often makes it possible to exclude their manifestation at an older age. Thus, screening newborns for phenylketonuria and subsequent administration of a diet low in phenylalanine to patients prevents the development of mental retardation, convulsive syndrome and other symptoms of the disease.

Key words: biodiversity, ecosystem, medical ecology, green economy, monitoring, innovation, cluster, screening, investments, recreation, ecotourism.

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