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Callus induction, Indirect Organogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration from different explants of Vernonia anthelmintica (L.) WilldMaya Rajan, Shahena Soororbhavan, Vinaya Chandran, Linu Mathew. Abstract | | | Cited by 5 Articles | ABSTRACT
Present study was conducted to standardise callus development and indirect organogenesis from different explants of Vernonia anthelmintica (L.) Willd. Among, the various hormonal combinations tested; IAA and BA and IAA and KN combinations were found to be optimum for inducing callusing within a time span of 10 days. Best callus response was observed in 1.5 mg L-1 IAA and 1.5 mg L-1 BA, which produced white friable callus. Best indirect shoot organogenesis was observed in 4 mg L-1 BA and 6 mg L-1 kinetin. Elongated shoots when transferred on to half strength MS Medium supplemented with IBA, rooting was observed. MS medium fortified with 2 mg L-1 IBA showed better rooting than all other concentration tested. This concentration produced maximum number of roots and maximum percentage of rooting. Plantlets developed by indirect organogenesis of V.anthelmintica were successfully acclimatised to field conditions.
Key words: Vernonia anthelmintica, Callus induction, Plant growth regulators, Somaclones. Indirect organogenesis