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Review Article

RMJ. 2006; 31(2): 89-92

Childhood in Pakistan: the situation, the challenges and the response.

Hamzullah Khan.


Pakistan population was 153 million in 2003. Annual number of births in the same year was 55 million and annual under age five deaths were 567,000. The life expectancy at birth was 61 years.1 By the beginning of 1980, although infant mortality and child deaths had declined globally, an estimated 280,000 children died every week in south Asian region from a cycle of malnutrition disease and poor sanitation. UNICEF launched a campaign to put children on the political agenda and, with government of Pakistan, drew a five-point plan covering health, safe drinking water and literacy for children and adults. These interventions covered the growth monitoring, oral re-hydration, breast-feeding, immunization, food security, family planning and female education, the plan referred as GOBI-FFF.2 In 1990, Pakistan participated world summit for children and signed world declaration on the survival, protection and development of children and launched national plan for action for children (NPAC) and the social action program (SAP-I) in 1992.2

Key words: Childhoodd, immunization, diarrhea

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