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RMJ. 2006; 31(2): 78-80

Lidocaine spray for relief of extubation laryngospasm in anesthetized patient

P.H. Salmasi, M.R. Afhami.


Objective: To asses use of lidocaine spray to relieve post anesthesia laryngospasm.
Methods: The study was performed for one year between 2004-2005 in Tabriz Medical Sciences University, Tabriz, IRAN. Patients with ASA class I and II with laryngospasm were given two puffs of lidocaine spray locally onto vocal cords and response was observed for 60 seconds.
Results: The study included 20 patients during one year study in which 38 percent of the patients were female and 62 percent were male. Average age of the patients was 30±1.9 years. 85 percent of the patients were in ASA class I and 15 percent in class II. The treatment relieved laryngospasm in 90 percent of the patients in 10±0.1 seconds. In 10 percent anesthesiology team members applied other conventional airway opening maneuvers.
Conclusion: Spraying 10 percent lidocaine onto the vocal cords under direct vision can suppress stimulated laryngeal receptors in most patients. Advantages of this approach include drug availability, its prompt effect and easy usage. (Rawal Med J 2006;31:78-80)

Key words: : Extubation, laryngospasm, lidocaine

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