Case Report |
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Primary fallopian tube carcinoma: A rare case reportAakriti Garg, Shobha Mukherjee, Sujoy Mukherjee, Pragya Mishra. Abstract | | | | Carcinoma of the fallopian tube accounts for 0.3% of all cancers of the female genital tract1. There has been a rapidly increasing body of evidence supporting the fallopian tube as the site of origin of high grade serous ovarian cancer. This case report describes 37 years old female with known case of hypothyroidism who presented with pain abdomen which was diffuse, progressive. On examination, there was hard irregular mass around umbilicus. She was then subjected to further investigations and was taken for staging laparotomy. During surgery, specimens were sent for histopathological examination at Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital, Bareilly. Histopathological examination revealed the diagnosis of primary fallopian tube carcinoma (PFTC). This case is unique since we started it as a case of bilateral ovarian mass but histology revealed it to be a PFTC.
Key words: Fallopian Tube Carcinoma; Histopathology; Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma; Prognostic Factors