The purpose of this research work is to analyse the Linguo-cultural composition of the term "Viticulture and winemaking" in French and Uzbek languages.
In accordance with this goal, the following tasks are supposed to be solved:
1) on the basis of problem analysis of scientific literature, clarify the working concepts of research: term, terminology, terminology, terminosphere, category, categorical approach and define the boundaries of the studied subject area;
2) identify and analyze the categorical composition of the terminosphere "Viticulture and Winemaking" in French;
3) identify and analyze the categorical composition of the terminosphere "Viticulture and Winemaking" in Uzbek;
4) based on the solution of the previous problems, to analyze the categorical composition of the term "Viticulture and winemaking" in French and Uzbek, as well as to identify general and specific physical in the categorical composition of the studied terminosphere in the compared languages.
Key words: Linguo-cultural, vocabulary, languages.