The aim of the paper is to indicate and analyze the types of semantic distinctions between synonymous adjectives in Uzbek, Russian and English, thus determine features common for the three non-related languages. Based on the broad review of the theoretical data it is stated in the paper that a synonymic row represents a specific type of word relations based on the sameness/ similarity of meaning and distinction.
The distinctions which bear semantic, expressive and stylistic nuances, that serve to preserve gradation inside a synonymic row, are called shades of meaning. The comparative analysis of the examined data let us identify types of semantic distinctions in gradation, motivating circumstances, duration and frequency, nature of outward expression of the quality, range of described objects, semantic associations, evaluative attitude, logical emphasis, emotional colouring.
We believe the paper findings may be useful for researchers who deal with contrastive linguistics, typology of nonrelated languages, lexicographic practice and may help those who study the English language to solve the difficulty of choosing the appropriate word in the communication discourse.
Key words: Linguistics, Language education, Semantics, Comparative analysis, Synonyms.