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Efficacy of 7.5% povidone-iodine and 1% clotrimazole in the treatment of otomycosis – A prospective randomized study

Vijay Praveen S, Karthik Munagala, Narayana Mood, Grace Swarupa Charles Baddam.

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Background: Otomycosis is a common condition of the external auditory canal. Aspergillus species and candida species are common causative agents for otomycosis. Clotrimazole is effective in controlling candida species than Aspergillus species. The povidone-iodine is a routinely used antiseptic solution in surgical care.

Aims and Objectives: To assess the efficacy of 7.5% povidone-iodine and 1% clotrimazole in the treatment of otomycosis.

Materials and Methods: This prospective randomized study recruited 128 cases of both genders. The study participants were randomly divided into two groups. Group 1 received 7.5% povidone-iodine and group 2 received clotrimazole (1%). After removal of otomycotic debris, the study cases were randomly administered with study drugs three drops once a day. All the cases were strictly advised to adhere to the treatment procedure not

Key words: Otomycosis; Anti-fungal Drugs; Efficacy; Aspergillus Species; Candida Species

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