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Original Research

JPAS. 2022; 22(4): 564-571

Trace metals concentration in Contaminated Soils

Okeke Chioma, Peter Sanga, Atte Samuel.


Soils samples from three contaminated sites in Yelwa Tudun, Fadamamada and Jos road were analyzed for Ni, Cr, Mn and Pb and soil pH values. Results from analysis revealed that all the elements investigated were present in the top soil samples at varying concentrations in the various strata of the sites studied. The mean concentrations of trace metals in the sites were considerably high when compared to the World Soil Average. Highly significant positive correlations were observed between the pairs Pb/Cr, Pb/Ni, Pb/Mn, Mn/Cr and Ni/Cr in the study. The pH values recorded in the various strata of the sites investigated were above the normal soil pH range of 5.70 – 6.50, except in strata 9 (pH = 6.48) and 10 (pH= 6.29) in Yelwa Tudun and stratum 5 (pH= 6.46) in Jos road. pH highly correlated significantly with all the metals in this study sites. The pH values obtained might indicate that the soil of the study sites have the tendencies to accumulation high levels of the study metals.

Key words: Trace metals, Soil pH, Contaminates site, Dumpsites

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