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Case Report

Surgical removal of a fungus ball formed in the maxillary sinus secondary to surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion procedure during Le Fort I osteotomy

Bahadir Sancar, Suayip Burak Duman, Burak Unluturk.

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Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE) is a surgery with a low rate of complications frequently performed in cases of maxillary transverse deficiency. Although fungal infection of the paranasal sinuses is rare in healthy people, this rate rises after the use of antibiotics and steroids, and after invasive interventions of the sinus. In our study, we present surgical removal of aspergillosis formed in the case of an 18-year-old female patient secondary SARPE procedure, with Le Fort I osteotomy. A cone beam computed tomography examination 6 months after the surgical removal of aspergillosis showed no recurrence. In conclusion, we report that aspergillosis may occur secondary to SARPE procedure and can successfully be removed in a single session with Le Fort I osteotomy.

Key words: Aspergillus; maxillary sinus; osteotomy

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