Availability and accessibility to information on prices of commodities is important for optimization of profit to the marketers and utility to the consumers. This study analyzed the structure and performance of catfish marketers in three Local Government Areas of Sokoto State, Nigeria. Weekly retail prices in ₦∕Kg covering a period of eight months (August 2017 to March 2018) were obtained, using an interview schedule from 150 marketers. Data were analyzed using Gini coefficient, Lorenz curve and marketing margin. The result revealed a concentration ratio of 0.56, 0.34, and 0.48 for Sokoto central (Dankure), Goronyo and Illela catfish markets, respectively. The study concluded that, catfish market is competitive, however, with some degree of oligopolistic tendencies. The majority of the marketers perceived inadequate storage facilities to be a very serious problem as they are dealing with very perishable products. It was also concluded that catfish marketing is a lucrative venture with N504254.81 as a weekly profit realized by the marketers. The study recommends provision of storage facilities, weighing scale and affordable credit facilities to fresh catfish marketers. Provision of public goods such as roads to ease free flow of catfish from rural to urban markets was also recommended.
Key words: Herbal medicines, Pathogenic Bacterial, traditional healers