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AJVS. 2021; 71(1): 102-110

Quality Assurance of Some Heat-Treated Meat Meals

Omar K. Ezz-Eldin, Mohamed M. Mousa, Neveen F. Agamy.


A total of ninety random samples of some heat treated meat meals represented by Beef cubes, Grilled Beef steak, Beef kofta (as meat meals) and grilled chicken breast, Shish Tawook, & Fried chicken breast (as chicken meat meals) (15 of each) were collected from meal's serving sites in one of steel production company, for chemical and microbiological evaluation. The mean values of FFA, TVN and TBA of meat meals beef cubes, grilled beefsteak and beef kofta were 1.03±0.11, 13.56±0.82 & 0.10±0.01; 1.17±0.18, 13.05±1.01 & 0.10±0.02 and 1.24±0.10, 14.88±1.15 & 0.14±0.03, respectively. While, in heat-treated chicken meat meals, grilled chicken, shish Tawook and fried chicken were 0.99±0.10, 12.23±0.56 & 0.17±0.06; 1.41±0.10, 13.18±0.91 & 0.08±0.003 and 1.02±0.12, 13.78±1.10 & 0.09±0.01, respectively. The mean values of aerobic plate count were 1.3×103±0.36×103, 4.8×103± 1.3×103, and 2.5×103±1.09×103 cfu/g in examined beef cubes, grilled beefsteak and beef kofta, respectively. While in examined grilled chicken, shish Tawook and fired chicken were 1.25×103 ± 0.31×103, 1.02×103 ± 0.18×103 and 1.08×103 ± 0.35×103 cfu/g, respectively. Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms and mold &yeast were detected in all examined meat meals at different incidence rate with different level. Staphylococcus aureus and E.coli were detected in 13.33 &13.33% ; 13.33 & 13.33% and 13.33 & 20% in examined beef cubes, grilled beefsteak and beef kofta, respectively. While in examined grilled chicken, shish Tawook and fried chicken were 13.33% &13.33%; 0 &13.33% and 6.67% &33.33%, respectively. On the other hand, Salmonella were not detected in all examined meat and chicken meat meals. Contaminated samples highlighted the need to implement food safety systems as HACCP in during manufacturing of meat meals.

Key words: Meat meals, Chicken meat meals, food borne pathogens, bacteriological evaluation

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