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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 2787-2790


Dr. Muhammad Masood Abbasi, Yasir Arafat, Dr. Muhammad Gulfraz Abbasi, Dr. Zafar Iqbal Khattak, Dr. Muhammad Javed Khan.


Mumtaz Mufti, being one of the prominent writers of short stories, depicts the society as it is. The major focus of his attention is the role of women and how they are treated in the society. The role of men is also discussed as it has an inseparable connection with womenfolk. He addresses unconscious of the society and explores it like an expert psychoanalyst. Through his exceptional technique, he uncovers the hidden layers of superstitions which are rooted in the minds of the people. Using qualitative method, the present study explores the art of Mufti in uncovering the very basis of superstitions and man-made customs. The study mainly uses primary sources for analysis.

Key words: superstitions, stories, traditional elements

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