Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of warm-up exercise in reducing the chances of hamstring injury in sprinters.
Methodology: This interventional longitudinal study included 40 sprinters that were randomly divided into two groups. In Group-A, those were included who did not perform warm-up exercises before sprinting events and In Group-B, those were included who performed warm-up exercises before sprinting events. SSPS version 13 was used to analyze data.
Results: Out of 40 sprinters, there were 30(75%) males and 10(25%) females. The prevalence of hamstring injury in Group-A at 1st, 2nd and 3rd month was 60%, 50%, and 45%, respectively. The hamstring injury in Group-B at 1st, 2nd and 3rd month was in 25%, 15%, and 15%, respectively. The causes and predisposing factors for hamstring injuries were improper warm-up, poor technique, fatigue, weakness of muscles and lack of flexibility.
Conclusion: Warm-up exercise is effective in reducing the chances of hamstring injury in sprinters. Common causes and predisposing factors are poor technique, improper warm up exercise and weakness of muscles.
Key words: Warm up exercise, hamstring muscle, injury, sprinters