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Case Report

Sudden cardiac arrest during induction of anaesthesia in paediatric patient with glutaric aciduria type II

Sema Sanal Bas, Gonca Kılıc Yildirim.


Glutaric aciduria type II (GA2) is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder of amino acid and lipid metabolism, which is serious and rare. The most serious form is seen in early infancy and is associated with very high mortality rates. Here, we present an 8-month-old male patient with GA2 who had electrocardiographic ST ST-segment depression and sudden cardiac arrest at 10th minute of emergency operation (central venous catheter placement). There is a very scarce amount of data in the literature about anaesthetic management of GA2 patients. There is also no previously published report about cardiac arrest during induction of anaesthesia in this condition. The present report highlights this serious complication.

Key words: Glutaric aciduria type II; Anaesthesia; Cardiac arrest.

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