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Case Report

Diagnostic and Management of malignant transformation of ovarian mature teratoma

Alpha Boubacar Conte, Jihad Jamor, Fatima Zohra Fdili Alaoui, Mohamed Yessoufou, Sofi Jayi, Hikmat Chaara, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf.

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Mature cystic teratomas (or more conventionally dermoid cysts) are the most frequent germ ovarian tumors (90 to 95% of cases) and represent 20 to 25% of organic ovarian tumors. It is almost always a benign lesion that can occur at any age, but most often in young women. Degeneration is seen only in less than 2% of cases, especially after menopause. It corresponds to the transformation of one of the elements of the dermoid cyst into a cancerous tissue of a non-germinal nature which can be either an epidermoid carcinoma, an adenocarcinoma, or exceptionally a sarcoma or a melanoma. The diagnosis of certainty is established by the anatomopathological study of the surgical part. The treatment of cancerous teratomas is surgical and analogous to that of malignant epithelial tumors of the ovary. We report an observation through which we carried out a review of the literature to specify the epidemiological, anatomopathological, clinical, radiological characteristics and the therapeutic management of cancerous teratomas of the ovary

Key words: Mature teratoma, Carcinoma teratoma, Ovarian cancer

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