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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 1397-1404

Effect of Leadership Styles on Job Performance: Mediating Role of Work Engagement among Secondary School Teaching Faculty in Pakistan

Hafiz Muhammad Ramzan, Rubina Yaqoob Butt.


The main objective of this research was to determine the mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between leadership styles and job performance. This research is based on the quantitative and cross sectional research design. The leadership styles was directed as independent variable and job performance as dependent variable whereas, work engagement was used as mediating variable. The secondary school teaching faculty was determined as the population from Punjab province and 237 teachers were selected as the sample of this research through simple random sampling technique. The data was collected by using standardized questionnaires through survey method. The findings of the study show that there was a positive significant effect of leadership styles on work engagement and job performance. Furthermore, work engagement has significant mediating effect on the relationship between leadership styles and job performance. This study is beneficial for the leaders to adopt the new techniques for the development of educational standards.

Key words: Leadership Styles; Work Engagement; Job Performance; Teaching Faculty; Secondary Level

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