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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2505-2513

Numerical Solution Of Convection-Diffusion Equation Using Haar Wavelet Collocation Method With Neumann’s Boundary Conditions

Dr. Satyendra Singh Yadav, Akhilesh Kumar.


To solve the convection-diffusion partial differential equations with Neumann's boundary conditions, Haar wavelet collocation method is proposed in this study. Algebraic equations with finite variables are used to solve HWCM’s partial differential equations. Some examples are used to show how the Haar wavelet method can be applied and how it can be proven to be accurate. The exact solution is compared with the method's output to demonstrate its accuracy. To demonstrate the method's validity and application, examples are provided. Accurate solutions can be derived from this method's findings. It is the simplicity and low cost of execution that make these strategies so appealing to practitioners.

Key words: CD equation, Partial differential equation, Haar wavelet collocation method

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