Covid-19 outbreak has affected the world in various manner, which has not been experienced by the world earlier. Primarily it affects the health of people but along with this, livelihood of people, economy of nations, employment status in the country and education sector has also been affected by this pandemic. There is no such sector which remains untouched from the effect of COVID-19 outbreak. The whole world is facing numerous challenges due to these situations. A big section of students has also got affected by this but as the change is persistent; there are different strategies for different level of students. Education institutions are using different strategies for their students like there is different approach for primary students, secondary education students and higher education students. This paper assesses the student satisfaction towards the virtual learning approaches provided by their very institute or university. A sample of 202 students of different universities gathered through the Purposive Sampling, which has been provided the basis of analysis.
Key words: COVID 19, Students satisfaction, higher education sector, Virtual learning