This study critically analyses the patriarchal norms in the play The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams (1911-1983). Patriarchy is lack of any of the gender or sexual identities that destabilize the heterosexual patriarchal power system. The main thrust of the study is to explore the subversive signs that uncover the dominant masculine ideology inherent in the structure of the play. The paper identifies the distinct and subtle ways in which the manifest inclination towards male dominance is sought, responsible for shaping patriarchal norms signified in the characters speeches to project the acute sensitivity to the plight of women. Such worldviews shaped by language are explored in the play by applying Norman Fairclough s theory of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA).The study unravels factors that lead to the exploration of the hidden ideologies related to male superiority and female subordination in the selected play. This study is qualitative in nature that identifies factors delimiting down womens role in society. It will be a help, in particular, to the egalitarian society to overcome such barriers.
Key words: CDA; Discourse, Dominance, Gender; Power