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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 63-74

Managing the Covid-19 Crisis and the Mass Media & Psychological Repercussions of the Pandemic from the Vision of the Faculty Members

Dr. Fakhri Abdelgader Ali Elfaki, Dr. Ayman Ramadan Zahran.


The current study aimed to discuss how to manage the Covid-19 crisis in addition to the mass media and psychological repercussions that occurred as a result of that pandemic from the point of view of a sample of (78) university academics in the United Arab Emirates, the study applied a questionnaire of crisis management methods at the time of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, And to survey the media and psychological repercussions of the Covid19 epidemic.
The study based on the descriptive approach, and the results indicated that Emirati universities succeeded in managing the crisis through the measures that were taken at the time of the Covis-19 crisis, such as the adoption of distance learning, remote work, and the application of various precautionary measures to limit the spread of the epidemic, and the results showed the presence of media repercussions. The pandemic represented in the fact that the media contributed to successive transparent media briefings on the indicator of the spread and decline of the virus, the number of infections and deaths, and the awareness of community members on how to avoid disease, how to deal with it in the event of infection, and the transmission of social informative messages to community members, adherence to procedures and measures, etc., As for the psychological repercussions, they were negative psychological feelings, such as pain and isolation, as a result of the circumstances imposed by the Covid-19 crisis.

Key words: psychological repercussions, Covid-19 crisis, Media

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