Public and Private schools are badly influenced due to disorderly behavior of students with administrative staff in Southern KP Zone-IV; and this problem has been especially focused by the researcher in the study. In this descriptive study, the total numbers of (N= 6155) respondents of Public and Private Secondary Schools male and female teachers, heads and students Zone-IV of KP were the population of the study in which (n=400) respondents (170 Public and Private School teachers (103 males & 67 females), likewise 230 head teachers (148 males & 42 females) were taken as sample of the study through multistage sampling techniques as per L. R. Gay (2003) sample size formula. Data was collected through self-developed questionnaire of 5-Points Likert scale. The objectives of the study were: 1). To know disorderly behaviors of secondary school students in Southern districts KP Zone-IV. 2). To investigate the causes of students disorderly behavior against administrative staff in Southern districts KP Zone-IV. 3). To explore perceptions of head teachers regarding students disorderly behavior against administrative staff at Secondary school level in Southern districts KP Zone-IV. The study was delimited to Zone-IV Southern districts of KP. Results, conclusions were drawn and some recommendations were suggested for the researchers in future.
Key words: Causes, Disorderly Behavior, Students, Administrative Staff, Head Teacher and Secondary Level