In this paper the researcher investigatetherelationship between personal behaviour and environment hygiene of higher secondary students.Cleanliness, hygiene, and personal hygiene habits have an extremely important place in maintaining and developing an individuals physical and spiritual health. In contrast, it has been observed that research on student behavior for cleaning and hygiene applications has been limited in the literature. The individuals who make up the community need to preserve and develop their health to maintain their generations. Individual behavior can be defined as a mix of responses to external and internal stimuli. The environment to help him to grow, to develop, to become complete, and to possess integrity. There is no significant relationship between Personal Behaviour and environmental hygiene of higher secondary students. the coefficient of correlation was computed by using the product-moment correlation method. The reliability was 0.78. The population for the present study consists of XI standard students who are studying in higher secondary schools in Sivaganga Educational District. The sample consists of 350 higher secondary school students from XI standard students. the calculated value of (0.010) is less than the table value (0.159) at 5% level the hypothesis is accepted. Hence there is no significant relationship between Personal Behaviour and environmental hygiene of higher secondary students. In schools, proper cleaning and hygiene behaviors should be reminded by seminars, theatres, conferences, and showing public spots with certain periods.
Key words: Personal Behaviour, Environment Hygiene, and Higher Secondary Students, etc.