Job satisfaction is a combination of two words, Job and Satisfaction. The word Job refers to the collection of tasks, duties, and responsibilities which as a whole is regarded as the established assignments to an individual employee. Porter et. al. (1975) defines job satisfaction as a "Feeling about a job that is determined by the difference between all those things a person feels he should receive from his job and all those things he actually does receive". Teaching has been considered one of the noblest professions you can take up. Teachers have always played the role of catalyst for social changes in our society. It is observed that the teaching profession can be demotivating for many reasons like demotivated parents complaints, bad marks of students, no support from administration, lack of financial incentive and prestige in our society. It is important to keep the country makers away from any type of problems. The study investigates the Job Satisfaction and problems faced by Teachers which provides knowledge regarding the status of SSC, CBSE, and ICSE Secondary Schools. The researcher intended to know whether there were any differences or similarities in the Job Satisfaction and Problems faced by Teachers between SSC, CBSE, and ICSE Schools of Greater Mumbai. Total 450 (150 SSC, 150 CBSE, and 150 ICSE) Secondary School Female Teachers were selected as samples for the research study. The study surveyed in nature under the heading of Descriptive Research. The questionnaire used is Teachers Job Satisfaction by Dr. Nasrin, and Afshan Anees (2013) and Custom Made questionnaire used in Problems faced by Teachers. The data was analyzed by using One Way ANOVA (Analysis of variance) by IBM SPSS-22 Software. The F-value of the job satisfaction for comparison is 60.08 which is significant at 0.01 level with df =2/447and the F-value of the problem faced by the teachers for comparison is 18.56 which is significant at 0.01 level with df=2/447. It was found that the Job Satisfaction of Teachers belongs to the different level of Schools differs significantly and the mean score of Other Problems of Teachers belongs to the different level of Schools differs significantly. The SSC found to be a significantly high level of Job Satisfaction compare to CBSE and ICSE. Also, ICSE Board Schools found to be a significantly high level with respect to Teacher and Authority Relationship and Teaching-Learning as compare to CBSE and SSC Boards. Moreover, the teachers of CBSE Board Schools found to be at a significantly high level with respect to Other Problems as compare to ICSE and SSC Boards.
Key words: Job Satisfaction, SSC schools, CBSE schools ICSE schools, Teachers, Various problems