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Systematic Guidelines for Medical Education Program Accreditation in Saudi Arabia

Abdul Sattar Khan, Edwin Cancino.


The accreditation either from national or international accrediting authority has always been a stressful process for medical schools particularly in preparing self-study report as this is not within the scope of medical practice. Moreover, literatures that provide guidance to medical schools and offer explanations and recommendations regarding the effective preparation of accreditation report are hard to find. In order to facilitate the process, mitigate the stress, and assist medical schools in a tiring process these twelve tips have been developed by the authors based on their extensive experiences in self-study process and program review. This focuses on providing guidance on accreditation processes and meeting the needs of accrediting authorities. We devised a methodical approach to assisting medical schools in obtaining accreditation from the local accreditation authority. Nonetheless, it is not a straightforward task, and it requires continuous efforts to first ascertain a good quality management system in the institute then initiate a plan for an accreditation. Thus, we write the guidelines, especially for those medical schools where they just kick off a plan to go an accreditation from either national or an international accreditation authority. These 12 tips are helpful in starting the plan and completing the method step-by-step without hurdles. The scope of this resource is within the framework of completion of self-study process, actionable improvement plans, and program effectiveness and governance structures. The example timeline will also assist you in following all tasks gradually.

Key words: Accreditation, Quality, Medical Education, Academic Quality, Self-Study Process

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