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Incidence and pattern of poisoning cases admitted in a tertiary care center

Geetha Rani A, Bhuvaneshwaran B, Inba Idhaya.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: Poisoning, either accidental or intentional, is a major consideration in relation to health-care systems. It is one of the important causes of mortality and morbidity. It is important to know the nature, pattern, and severity of poisoning occurring in concerned areas so as to reduce the mortality due to that.

Aims and Objectives: The objectives of this study were as follows: (1) To estimate the incidence and pattern of poisoning in Government Thoothukudi Medical College Hospital and (2) to estimate the survival outcomes and mortality due to poisoning.

Materials and Methods: This study was a retrospective observational study that was done by collecting the data from the Medical record department (MRD) regarding the patients diagnosed and admitted with poisoning in Government Thoothukudi Medical College Hospital during June 2018. The data were analyzed to estimate the incidence and outcomes of these poisoning cases.

Results: Among 103 cases admitted with poisoning, 61.17% were male and 38.33% were female. About 75% had a suicidal mode of poisoning and the remaining 25% were accidental. Hair dye (22%) was the most common type of poisoning observed, followed by organophosphorus poisoning (13%) and snakebite (13%). The mortality rate was around 3.9% and majority were due to organophosphorus poisoning.

Conclusion: Hair dye was the most common poisoning occurring in this area though no deaths were reported due to it in this study. However, mortality was observed more with organophosphorus poisoning in the present study.

Key words: Poisoning; Hair Dye; Suicide

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