Visha Bilwadi Gutika is an herbal formulation mentioned in Kriya Kaumadhi used in snake bite cases in Kerala. In this study, an attempt has been made to explore the therapeutic value and mode of action in Wistar Albino Rats injected with cobra venom. The lyophilised snake venom of cobra was dissolved in saline and administered to rats. The lyophilised polyvalent anti snake venom was used as reference standard drug. The test drug Visha Bilwadi Gutika was evaluated for its efficacy to neutralise the cobra venom by assessing the lethality, haematological, biochemical and histological changes. The venom used in this study was found to have LD50 of 1098μg/kg using OECD 425 protocol. Analysis of the result shows good protection by Visha Bilwadi Gutika against low intensity envenomation. Moderate protection was observed against high dose venom injection in acute conditions. Haematological examination shows significant decrease in RBC, platelets, ALP and cholesterol in comparison to normal control group.
Key words: Visha Bilwadi Gutika, Lyophilised Snake Venom, Polyvalent Anti Snake Venom, kriya kaumadi