Machiavellis concept of war for the protection of state is based on deceit, foul play, barbarism, antihumanism and materialism. His strategic thinking is not for the protection of people but for the territorial expansion. He ignores the concept of morality and humanity in the defense of the state. The strategic thinkers in the modern world designed their national military strategies in line with Machiavellis strategic doctrine. Contrary to this, Islam has emphasized on the defense of state based on morality and humanity. It strongly discourages the below-the-belt strategy of war and anti-human strategic tactics during national warfare. It discourages the Machiavellian strategic doctrine and upholds the safety of man supreme even in war times. The article is mainly composed of three parts: Part-I is an introduction which deals with the Conceptualisation of Ethics, Morality and Warfare. Part-II deals with the Literature Review and Methodology. Part-III is a comprehensive discussion on the subject-matter (Machiavellis Concept of War and Western Scholars views on it and Islamic Concept of Warfare. Part-VI is the conclusion.
Key words: Machiavelli, Morality, Holy War, Strategy