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Case Report

Unilateral occlusion of the vertebral artery as a cause of bilateral paresis of the abducens nerve - case report

Sandra Vujovic, Slavisa Perunicic, Mladen Debeljevic, Milovan Roganovic.

Cited by 0 Articles

Paresis/paralysis of the abducens nerve can be unilateral or bilateral. So far, several causes of unilateral paresis/paralysis of the abducens have been described: stroke, tumours, demyelinating diseases, infections and trauma.
This manuscript presents a 47-year-old lady with bilateral paresis of the abducens nerve. We described all the diagnostic procedures we have done to determine the aetiology of this disorder (laboratory, radiological and other analyzes). The only pathological deviation discovered in our patient was unilateral occlusion of the vertebral artery.
This is the first time the unilateral occlusion of the vertebral artery has been correlated with a mentioned lesion of the sixth cranial nerves.

Key words: vertebral artery, abducens nerve, paresis, case report

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