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Sleep Disorders in Acute Stroke

Biljana Kojic, Zikrija Dostovic, Mirjana Vidovic, Omer C. Ibrahimagic, Renata Hodzic, Amra Iljazovic.


Background: Stroke patients have sleep-wake disorders, mostly in form of insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness/fatigue, or hypersomnia (increased sleep needs). Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze types of sleep disorder (SD) and their frequency in patients with sleep apnea and acute stroke in relation to the type of stroke and side of lesion. Methods: The study analyzed 110 patients with sleep apnea and acute stroke hospitalized in the Clinic of Neurology, University Clinical Centre Tuzla. Acute stroke has been verified either by computerized tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. SD was verified according to the Berlin Questionnaire Test, The Epworth Sleepiness Scale, The Stanford Sleepiness Scale and the General sleep questionnaire. Strokes were divided by: a) type, into hemorrhagic and ischemic, and b) the localization of the stroke, to right and left cerebral hemispheres. Results: Of the total number of respondents, all had some sleep disorder. 20% of respondents had severe level of SD, 35.4% moderate, 37.3% moderate- severe and 7.3% mild problems. There were no statistically significant differences in the frequency of SD among patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke (p = 0.58). In relation to the side of lesion, there was more patient with SD and stroke in the both sides, but there were no statistically significant differences (X2=1.98, p=0.161). According Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Stanford Sleepiness Scale and Berlin Questionnaire test snoring was present in 81% and daytime sleepiness in all patients.Conclusion: SD as a neuropsychological disorder has a significant incidence in the acute phase of stroke in patients with sleep apnea. Sleep disorder is more common in ischemic stroke and stroke in the both hemisphere, but it is not statistically significant difference. Daytime sleepiness, fatigue and snoring are the most common sleep problems in patients with acute stroke and apnea, but it is not statistically significant.

Key words: Stroke, Sleep Apnea, Sleep Disorders

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