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Mental Health and Substance Abuse Among the Bosnia and Herzegovina Student Population During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Armin Sljivo, Fatima Gavrankapetanovic-Smailbegovic, Ahmed Mulac, Ilma Dadic, Alma Kubat, Iman Sirucic.


Background: Mental health, substance abuse and suicidal ideation present an emerging healthcare problem during COVID-19 pandemic as a result of socio-epidemiological measures, isolations, work modifications, constant media overload with COVID-19 related news and no effective cure for the disease. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyse substance abuse, suicidal ideation and mental health status among university students during the COVID-19 outbreak in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods: This cross-sectional study, was conducted via an online anonymous questionnaire based on a Patient Health Questionnaire-4 and Impact of Event Scale-6 which was distributed to the student population of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Results: In total 827 subjects, the majority of whom were female (636), had a high school degree (431), were unemployed (587), lived in an urban environment (747) and had a median age of 23.0 (21.0,32.0), completed the questionnaire. Being female [(OR=1.643, p=0.040); (OR=1.643, p=0.032)], taking sedatives [(OR=1.519, p

Key words: COVID-19, mental health, substance-related disorders, depression, anxiety.

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