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Research Article

Factors Affecting the Professional Behavior of Iranian Nurses: A Qualitative Study

Leila Afshar, Abass Ebadi, Somaieh Akbari Farmad, Azadeh Azemian.


Background: Capability and professional behavior of nurses play a significant role in promoting the quality of patients' care. The present study aimed to explain the experiences of nurses from the challenges of nurses' professional behavior.
Method: This study is a qualitative study was conducting using conventional approach to content analysis. A total of 31 participants, including nurses, nursing faculty members and medical ethics specialists, participated in the study. The sampling method was selected purposefully. A semi-structured in-depth and individual interview method was used for data collection.
Results: In data analysis, 4 main themes including individual prerequisites, professional prerequisites, structure failure and social factor were considered as factors influencing on professional behavior in nursing.
Conclusion: The organizational and educational structure reform and changing the social image of nursing can help improve the professional behavior of nurses.

Key words: Professional Behavior, Nursing,Individual prerequisite, structure failure, Socio factors.

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