The Holy Qur-ān has provided vast information on various stages of human
embryology.. It has been stated that man has been created from the elements
provided mainly from water and soil. Qur-ān states that after fertilization, nutfah
(zygote) rests in the mother’s womb for some time, where it gets its nourishment
and protection from the outside stresses. It grows into alaqa (a clot of congealed
blood) and then into mudgha (fetus lump). Then the mudgha is converted into
izaman (mass of bones). Then the mother gives birth to the child. The term used
in Qur-ān for giving birth is nukh-raja-kum tiflan (expulsion of the baby). The
newborn feeds on the mother’s breasts for at least two years or two and a half
years, as Allah states in the Holy Qur-ān. (Rawal Med J 2006;31:29-31)