With the technological advancement, application of yeasts in aquaculture becomes very popular, especially as an alternative source of proteins in addition to other proteins commonly used in the fish feed industry. Recently, yeast becomes a sustainable novel ingredient of aquafeed for its promising role in nutrition and immunostimulation of many fish species in aquaculture. Thus, yeast supplements and yeast-containing feed ingredients lead to the higher protection against diseases and to the better productivity of fishes resulting in the greater growth of the aquaculture industry. Moreover, rotifers, Artemia, and copepods can be produced well as live aquafeed by application of yeasts in aquaculture. Some yeasts used in probiotic products often improve immunity of fishes as well as attempt to enhance the water quality of aquaculture resulting in good production outcomes. Thus, yeast has been appeared as a novel and vital component of aquatic animal’s feed in modern aquaculture. In this review, different aspects of usage of yeasts in aquaculture nutrition and immunostimulation have been discussed.
Key words: Yeasts, Probiotics, Aquafeed, Aquaculture, Nutrition, Immunostimulation