The present study deals with the role played by various micro level factors that affect the rural livelihood diversification in Assam, specifically in Jorhat.Rural people do not depend on one source of income. The main income source in the rural area is agriculture however, depending upon the demographic and psychographic profile, the households carry out more than one activity to earn livelihood and in many instances their major earning comes from other activities rather than agriculture. The present study is descriptive in nature. The data have been collected through a structured schedule specifically designed to capture the demographic and psychographic variables of rural population that lead to their livelihood diversification. Logit regression was used to analyze the data. It was found from the study that the micro level variables such as age, gender, monthly income family size and entrepreneurial tendency significantly influences rural livelihood diversification, however, education and risk has no impact on the same.
Key words: Jorhat, livelihood diversification, micro level variables, Logit Regression