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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 3632-3640

Feminism In The Writings Of Kamala Das

Alummoottil Reshma Purushan, Dr. Sangvikar Nanasaheb Vasudev.


There is a feminist viewpoint in Kamala Das' poetry "The Old Playhouse," and that is what this paper is all about. An oppressive patriarchal society, gender stereotypes, and a need for personal space and creativity are all depicted by this poem, which depicts the voice of a female speaker who expresses these feelings through her own self-expression. An intellectual space is needed to follow a woman's goals and to objectify a woman who has been confined in the four boundaries of her home and ignored by the male-dominated society in which she lives. This is seen in Das. The poetry provides as a voice for the woman's innermost feelings, which go unnoticed in a patriarchal culture.

Key words: Patriarchal society, stereotyping, woman, gender and oppression.

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