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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3024-3030

Incinerator Awareness for Personal Hygiene Absorbent Products: A Study on Indian women

Dr. Reenu Mohan, Aasha Sujit, Dr. C. Nagadeepa, Dr. RAJA KAMAL CH.


Personal hygiene management (PHM) has gained attention in the recent days as it is an important and essential step towards a healthy life. Physical and mental fitness is the first requisite of happiness. Women’s personal hygiene is of main concern as her contribution towards home and society is immense. Personal hygiene absorbent products are more convenient and preferred by the mothers and the caretakers than cloth diapers which were used few centuries ago. Personal hygiene absorbent products contain traces of dioxin, an extremely toxic by-product of the paper-bleaching process and a carcinogenic chemical, the most toxic of all cancer-linked chemicals. Hence the disposal of these diapers is a main concern not just for the safety of the individual but also for the environment. The environmental pollution caused by the disposal methods of the personal hygiene absorbent products poses a lot of challenges as these create a lot of waste. This paper aims at understanding the awareness of the female population on the proper disposal and environmental effects of used personal hygiene absorbent products on our environment.

Key words: Personal Hygiene, Absorbents products, Disposable diapers, disposal

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