Background: Pre Menstrual Syndrome is a common disorder in females of reproductive age group, associated with physical and psychological disturbances. The cluster of symptoms represents the dominance of vata and kapha vitiation. The objective of the study is to evaluate the combined effect of i) Ashwagandha vati- (formulation prepared from Withania somnifera- aiming at mitigation of vata & kapha) ii) Satvavajaya chikitsa- (structured ayurvedic psychotherapy aiming at restructuring the mind) in the management of Pre Menstrual Syndrome.
Materials and Methods: The present study adopted an open label single arm clinical pilot study conducted at a tertiary Ayurveda hospital in a south Indian city with 30 female subjects (who fulfilled the inclusion and diagnostic criteria). They were selected by the convenience sampling method. Two Ashwagandha vati (500 mg) twice a day were administered orally every day with milk and four sessions of Satvavajaya chikitsa over a period of one month (1 menstrual cycle) were performed. A predefined standard questionnaire was used to measure the efficacy of this approach before, after treatment, and at follow-up. Statistical analysis of subjective parameters were assessed by Friedmans test and Wilcoxon signed rank test.
Result: In the study participants, psychological symptoms were more prevalent than physical. There was a significant improvement (P
Key words: Satvavajaya Chikitsa, Pre Menstrual Syndrome, Ashwagandha, Menstruation.