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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2969-2978

Perspectives on India’s Coastal Security

Dr Rafi Ramzan Dar.


Coastal Security includes security of the seaside water zone against any danger or challenge that begins from the ocean. Because of India’s geo-strategic location and maritime character, secure coastal strips become domains of much importance for the overall safety and security of the mainland. In this perspective, the present paper- which is mainly based on auxiliary wellsprings of information- has made an attempt to look into the concept, importance and evolutionary aspects of coastal security in India. In addition to it, it has also tried to make an assessment of the reasons of India’s vulnerability to the maritime dangers as well as the loopholes and strategies to overcome those gaps prevalent in the coastal security architecture in India.

Key words: Coasts, Security, Vulnerability, Loopholes, Strategies

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