The internet provides an innovative way of conducting business in all sectors. The Internet technology provides high quality and efficient operations in all economic sectors, including tourism industry. The Websites are an important part online marketing in creating and maintaining an online presence. Customers are increasingly turning to the websites to satisfy their travel needs. Starting from the trip relation information, price, shopping and booking customers are finding the convenience of the website to satisfy their personal and business travel related needs. With the increasing number of websites, it is essential to differentiate ones business. This study is based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected regarding the perception and experience of consumers from the online travel website users through field survey. A self-administered questionnaire served as the survey tool. On each item in the questionnaire, the mean, standard deviation, percentage, and frequencies were measured, and the descriptive statistics were analyzed to generate results. The findings suggest the Most of the respondents are using travel website for purchasing any product. The important reason for choosing the website for booking and fulfill the travel need is its easy to use application.
Key words: Consumer Behavior, Tourism, Internet etc.