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Review Article

NNJ. 2019; 8(3): 3-7

Role of Multi Purpose Health Workers in Maternal and Child Health Services at Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh

P. Hemagiri Kumari, G. Sandhyarani.


Abstract: Qualified and motivated human resources are essential to provide adequate health services. Multipurpose Female Health Worker works at Sub Centers which is a small village level institution to provide primary health care to the community. Pregnancy requires specialized care, generally agreed to be a preventive activity. Therefore the concept of Healthy Mother and Healthy Baby is an important aspect of Maternal and Child Health services. Nursing and Midwifery profession transforms the way of health actions. Objectives: A study to analyze the extent of activities performed in MCH Services by the
Multipurpose Female Health Workers in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh. To identify the stressors perceived by Multipurpose Female Health Workers, and to find out the association between perceived stressors and their level of performance. To find out the association between the level of Performance in Maternal and Child Health Services by Multipurpose Female Health Workers with their selected demographic variables. Materials and methods The study focuses on descriptive survey approach and Female Health Workers working in 212 Sub Centers in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh ,selected by Stratified Random
Sampling Technique. Results: Among 212 Sub Centers 53.7% were having adequate facilities, 31.60% were having minimum facilities, 14.63% were having high facilities. Continuing education programmes, repeated on job trainings, lack of co operations among coworkers, heavy work load, job insecurity were perceived as high stressors by Female Heath Workers. The overall performance of maternal health services in terms of Female Health workers responses were 25% had given unsatisfactory services in maternal health, 50% had performed satisfactory level of service in maternal health, 25% had provided good level
of service in maternal health. Association between age, technical qualification, type of service, pay scale, years of experience were significant at 0.01 level with performed MCH services in Chittoor District.Association between technical qualification, type of service, type of transport facility, income of the family were significant with perceived stressors. A strong co relation is found between performed level of MCH services and Sub Center facility at 0.01 level. Conclusion: There is a need for shifting the role from Multi Task Role to Midwifery Practitioner Role, by strengthening Sub Center facilities, regularizing the services of contract employees conducting planned skilled training programmes., in order to make ‘Midwives for Mothers.’

Key words: Keywords: Motivated Human Resources, Performance, Stressors, Maternal And Child Health Services, Multi Purpose Female Health Workers.

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