This article examines the Malay martial arts, Silat which consists of many types and varieties in different states and is also famous in Indonesia. However instead of having only Malay practitioners, there are also non-Malay practitioners learning these martial arts. Malay customs and cultures exist within this art of self-defense such as lime bathing ritual and recitation of verses from Quran. Thus, this study seeks to describe how Non-Malay practitioners acculturate themselves in Malay Silat , how they identify themselves, and what Silat habitus develops as time passed by from four Silat organizations in Kuching and Samarahan. This study also aims to investigate the significance of traditional Malay beliefs in todays Silat practice. It is hoped that this research can provide an enhanced understanding of Silat institution for the non-Malays and may combat the prejudice of how the non-Malays are accepted in a Malay martial arts institution where the non-Malays are minorities and provide discussions on Malay cultures and customs in Silat.
Key words: Silat, Malay Martial Arts, Malay Cultures, Habitus, Acculturation, Cultural Adaptations