Current study investigated the predictive role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy to entrepreneurial intention directly as well as indirectly through adding self-regulation as a mediator. 352 final year students of business administration program enrolled in various public sector universities of KP, Pakistan were surveyed for this purpose. Adopted questionnaire containing Likert type questions was used as data collection instrument. Descriptive, scale reliability, correlation and mediation analyses were employed as data analyses statistical tools. For mediation analysis Model # 4 of PROCESS macros presented by Hayes (2013) was used. Results revealed that criterion variables are significantly positively associated with predictor. Results also revealed that self-regulation partially mediates the association of entrepreneurial self-efficacy with entrepreneurial intention. At the end some suggestions for future researchers are also provided.
Key words: Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy, Self-regulation, Entrepreneurial intention, Simple mediation analysis, University Students