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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2932-2943

Facades of Intellectual Property Rights in Insurance Protection1*2

Abhishek.T, Surabhi Srivastava.


This paper examines the purpose of granting the Intellectual Property Rights is fully serving the purpose or not. The concept of granting the IPR is not developed over one day and it is a gradual development that took centuries to come up to this stage. The awareness to protect the Intellectual Property Rights is still in the nascent stage and only knows to the highly literate persons. The persons having basic knowledge is also having difficulties in getting the intellectual property rights. After beating all the odds and able to become the owner of the rights, the holder of the rights will be expecting in a comfort zone. In fact getting the rights itself is not the end of the game and considered to enjoy the benefits. As we all know the purpose of the Intellectual Property Rights is to safeguard against infringements, and owner of the rights should be able to fight against the infringer legally. Even otherwise the person who is the real owner will file suit against the person who had taken the intellectual property rights wrongfully or dishonestly. Does the rightful owner are ready to safeguard their interest and fight the litigation in the Indian Courts and International Courts is the real question and is there any remedy available to protect and safeguard the Intellectual Property Rights of the person.

Key words: Intellectual Property Rights, Insurance, IP Insurance coverage, Protection, Litigation

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