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112 (911) violence against healthcare workers and its results i̇n Turkey

Hatice Pekince, Ayfer Sahin Duman, Ramazan Gurgoze.


In this study, it was aimed to determine the situation of violence against 112 healthcare workers and the consequences of violence.This research was conducted in a descriptive type. The sample of the study consists of 286 healthcare workers.A participant information form and a questionnaire on violence were used to collect data. While 61 of the participants experienced violence once in the workplace, 115 of them stated that they experienced it many times. The majority of those who were subjected to violence stated that they were subjected to verbal violence and that verbal violence was mostly in the form of swearing, insults and threats. Most of the participants state that violence will be prevented by training, increasing the sentences and pre-trial detention. In the research, it is seen that there is violence against healthcare workers and especially verbal violence is more common. It is recommended to organize trainings to prevent violence, to increase public awareness and to increase sanctions against individuals who use violence.

Key words: Ambulance, health worker, violence, 112(911), healtcare

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