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RMJ. 2020; 45(3): 656-660

Problems related to prosthetic components seen in amputees of Pakistan law enforcement agencies during prosthetic episodes

Zaheer Ahmed Gill, Saeed Bin Ayaz, Naureen Tassadaq, Sumeera Matee, Khaula Ashraf, Saqib Ur Rehman.


Objectives: To identify the common issues related to prosthetic components among amputees of law enforcement agencies reporting for follow-up in Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine (AFIRM), Rawalpindi and calculate the life for the frequently changed components.
Methodology: It was a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out in AFIRM Rawalpindi from October 2013 to December 2014. Through non-probability consecutive sampling, we included individuals with amputations of any etiology. Information was recorded about the type, side, and etiology of amputation, place of injury, time passed in months since previous consultation, the reasons for follow-up (damaged prosthetic foot, damaged liner, socket problems, accessories problems, and problems with cosmetic gloves and sleeves), and the average life of the frequently changed components.
Results: Of 98 individuals (mean age 27±6 years, range: 18-43 years), majority suffered from IED blast injury (n=44, 44.9%) in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) region (n=58, 59.2%). Transtibial amputation (n=78, 79.6%) was the most common level of amputation, with equal percentage for the side of body involved (46 each). The average follow-up time from the last consultation was 17±15 months (range 2-32 months). The primary prosthetic concerns for the follow-up were regarding prosthetic foot and liner (34 each). The average times after which prosthetic foot and liner were replaced since initial provision were 22±10 months (range12-32 months) and 5±3 months (range 2-8 months), respectively.
Conclusion: Maximum patients reported with issues related to prosthetic foot and liner. The average life reported for these components was shorter than previous studies.

Key words: Amputation, rehabilitation, follow-up, prosthesis failure, prosthesis fitting, artificial limb.

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