Ionic contamination has become a serious environmental problem due to long-term disposal of untreated industrial effluent containing metal ions in river water ecosystem when applied to soil system as irrigation water. Considering this issue, an attempt was made to explore ionic contamination in water samples collected from the contaminated river during dry season towards food safety. Sampling sites were selected from crop fields irrigated with water samples of the Bangshi river. Twenty water samples were collected randomly from the upstream to downstream of river to determine ions in order to categorize these samples on the basis of their applicability for irrigation usage. The chemical analyses included pH, EC, TDS, cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cd, Cr & Mn) and anions (CO3, HCO3, Cl & PO4). pH values of the Bangshi river water samples ranged from 6.5 to 7.6 indicating slightly acidic to slightly alkaline in nature. All the water samples under investigation were under fresh water (TDS
Key words: Contamination, Food safety, Irrigation, Metal ion, River water