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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3591-3600

An analysis of observer’s review pattern considering teaching proficiency and utility during practice teaching



Teaching is a profession and teacher education is a professional guide. It is obliging to consider first the essential attributes of a profession and second the paramount task involved in planning and conducting an educational programme. In the light of these two factors, the significant elements of effective education for the profession can be seen more clearly. The teaching is a profession based on a system which is further based upon a code of ethical principles but whenever a member of any profession meets his day-by-day task in terms of routine performance, for the occupation is no longer a profession, the science that is needed by the profession must be continually extended to more basic content rather than restricted only to obvious applied science. It is unanimously accepted by eminent scholars and researchers of different fields such as educationist’s sociologists.
The prevailing pattern of observers review during practice teaching can ultimately help student teachers to improvise their teaching skills. The present study is obliging in professionaling the teaching of prospective teachers and in making teacher education program more efficacious.

Key words: Observers, review pattern, teaching proficiency, practice teaching, utility

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