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JPAS. 2022; 22(2): 163-169

A study of Pion–Nucleon Coupling Constant Based on Scattering Length And Effective Range for both Pseudo- Vector and Pseudo- Scalar.

Peter J Manga, Y.H Ngadda, E. W. Like.


In this study, we critically evaluate the Yukawa potential using the meson field theory in other to establish a relationship between the Energy (MeV) for both neutrons – proton and proton-proton which is pseudo-scalar and pseudo-vector in the case of scattering field, similarly in effect range from experimental values of pion atoms. We also deduce the charged pion–nucleon coupling constant, systematic, and with statistical uncertainties. The result shows that both models display good agreement with the experimental values with a trend as the energy increases for both interactions effective range on pseudo-vector (proton-proton) and pseudo-scalar (neutron-proton) is at a small length. Similarly, low energy is recorded for the scattering length interaction. The charge pion –nucleon coupling constant at a value of (g_(π^±)^2)/4π=14.54 and (g_(π^±)^2)/4π=14.52.For both pseudo-vector and pseudo-scalar. This shows electromagnetic interaction associated with the correction will likely be added or removed from the experimental values of the nuclear – coulomb-low energy parameters of pp and np scattering.

Key words: PACS numbers: 13.75.Cs, 13.75.Gx, 14.20.Dh, 14.40.Be, 25.40.Cm, 25.40.Dn

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